Data portal
Antifraud Data portal is an information system with data on employees and counterparties. The system collects data into a single array and displays it in a clear graphical interface. User can view the profile of any employee or counterparty, supplement it with the results of his work or leave a comment for colleagues.
The Data portal acts as a decision support system (DSS). It contains modules for automated checks of employees, candidates, or counterparties, as well as various types of affiliations. The Data portal consolidate disparate materials into a single data array. It can be used as regular workspace for the antifraud department. The portal captures, structures and stores the unique experience of users.
Solution features
In historical practice of antifraud one user interacts with a multitude of disparate information systems. We offer a
modern approach based on data accumulation and automation. The portal significantly increases the efficiency of
economic security departments.
Historical approach cons
- Fragmentation of information sources
- Slow user work with multiple interfaces
- Lack of automation of repetitive actions
- The user is not always able to analyze the data
- Performance is not transparent to management and can be low
Historical approach cons
Pros of Data portal
Pros of Data portal
All the information you need in one interface
A single space for users to work together
Standardization of tools and check algorithms
Easy connecting additional data sources
Quick training of user in analytical work
Data portal workspace
User can perform regular checks, significantly reducing labor costs for routine operations. The Data portal functionality for data accumulation is supplemented with analytical modules for checks.
Data analytics
User can perform regular checks, significantly reducing labor costs for routine operations. The Data portal functionality for data accumulation is supplemented with analytical modules for checks.
Trustworthiness checks according to specified criteria
Employees and candidates
Trustworthiness checks using available personnel data
Check for affiliation of any objects with graph visualization